I've been on tour for almost two months now and yesterday we spent the day in Birmingham, Alabama. The temperature was upwards of 100 degrees Fahrenheit, making going outside downright miserable. Still, we braved the heat to check out a place called Bottle Tree, a restaurant about a 15 minutes walk from the venue. It was rumored to have some good vegan eats and Hank and I each ordered Buffalo Tofu Wraps. While they may not have been worth the $8.00, the meal was a nice break from the steady diet of pop tarts and clif bars I seem to have adopted lately.
On the walk back, Sean stumbled across a pigeon that seemed to be napping on the sidewalk. He picked up the bird, quickly realizing it wasn't sleeping at all. Nelson's mind was blown by the whole thing and we hurried back to the protection of the technological phenomenon we call a/c.
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